Southwest Graphics Collections
I deal with those lasting impressions you have after driving through an area like Monument Valley. You remember basic forms, color and mood. The details are lost, but the image remains. The landscape is too dynamic to interpret realistically; therefore you must resort to exaggeration to capture its immediate power.
In keeping with his precise style, he takes the essence of the landscape and builds the mountains, mesas, canyons and clouds with dramatic architectural forms and luminous colors in his original paintings, pastels, stone lithographs and serigraphs.
Donald J. Hagerty has captured the essence of Mell’s art in a captivating biographical text, which includes one hundred twenty color plates representing Mell’s best work to date. Family and colleagues add insights and commentary throughout the book, revealing the man in front of the canvas, this methods, and his inspiration.
Price: $195.00
Shipping $15.00 |
Ed Mell Untitled 12x15.75 $9,800.00
Ed Mell Book Cliffs 8.25x 24 SOLD
Ed Mell Lake Powell 9 x 21.75 $14,500.00
Ed Mell Distant Mesa 8 x 14.25 SOLD
Ed Mell Picacho Peak, Arizona 14 x 10.5 $10,500.00
Ed Mell Picacho Peak, Arizona 14x10.5
Ed Mell Long Mesa 6.75 x 16.5 $9,500.00
Ed Mell Endless Cloud 10.25 x 17.25 $8,500.00
Ed Mell, Lone Mesa, pastel 12x24 SOLD
Ed Mell High Desert Mesa 1986 Goldwaters Department Store Commission 12 x 17.75 SOLD
Ed Mell Desert Downpour 8.5x19 $9,900.00
Ed Mell Last Light 5.65 x 8.5 $5,500.00
Ed Mell Long Cool Drink 7.75 x 19.5 Sold
Ed Mell Spooked,Bustin Loose 15.5 x 15.5 Sold
Ed Mell, Going Over, 15.25 x 13 inches, Frame 24 x 21 inches, , Linen mat, Zolatone finish on Ed Mell Signature Frame, ca. 1980 SOLD
Ed Mell, Going Over, Detail 15.25 x 13 inches ca. 1980
Ed Mell Vermillion Cliffs 7.25 x 11.75 $6,700.00
All Measurements are in inches. Please contact gallery for availability and prices, we are always buying and accepting consignments.